Reflection on the French Revolution
I bought this book in physical form so I can't reread it, but I bought a Kindle
Currently, protests are happening in France against Macron In Japanese, "demonstration" is apparently called Protest
I think that this idea is about conservatism, which is about gradually improving things and adjusting them, so I think this idea is about conservatism. /emoji/twitter.icon 44. Reflections on the Revolution in France (Burke)
The founder of Conservatism, taking a negative view of human nature, accurately predicted the failure of the French Revolution and advocated the importance of following tradition. Like someone who recommends safe investments in anticipation of the collapse of the cryptocurrency bubble. By the way, the translation by Hiroshi Mizuta is terrible, so I recommend the high-quality translation by Hansaku Banzai. /emoji/twitter.icon I've seen some comments recommending reading Edmund Burke's "Reflections on the Revolution in France" (Kobunsha) which contains opinions on the French Revolution from the perspective of Conservatism side. Read it
Conservatism involves change. A nation/government without any means of change is a nation without any means of preservation. When there are no such means, the country may lose the most earnest part of its structure that it wants to protect with a prayerful heart. When it comes to a meeting that decides something that affects the great interests of humanity that have been passed down through many generations, we should consider to some extent the fact that it has been passed down for a long time.
Frankly, I can never like this state of constantly talking about resistance and revolution. I don't like the way people get used to something that is a drastic medicine for the constitution as if it were their daily bread.
Doing so makes the social structure become a very precarious and pathological one. It's like taking sublimated mercury or using cantharides as a stimulant to stimulate love of freedom. Such medication causes chronic dysfunction, and the vitality of the mind is weakened and worn out due to rough and corrupt usage. The vitality of the mind should be something that is demonstrated when it is most needed.
Japanese politicians. I'm not saying you have to be able to write this. Please be able to read this - at least.
What is conservatism?
/emoji/twitter.icon Chesterton says "What is Orthodoxy?" is the best, and there is nothing better than that. Ortega y Gasset's "Revolutionize the state, or let's go to the election! I don't care either way!" is also the best, so there is nothing better than that. You don't need to read an introductory book about these things because they are the best.